The night before Santiago total: $5,482

I will be walking into Santiago tomorrow morning with my head held high. I am proud of two things when I hobble into the cathedral square: I actually made it almost 500 miles across Spain, despite all of my internal obstacles (not in the best shape, not an experienced hiker, self-doubts, a left ankle with... Continue Reading →

Estella to Montjardin

The day-- I left the albergue this morning with Kathleen and the Texas sisters after the ladies running it literally moved us out the door at 8 am and locked it behind us. There we were in the drizzle, trying to put our wet, muddy shoes back on (we're pretty sure the outside shed they... Continue Reading →

Day 5.2 and Day 6: Pamplona!

Never in my life have I ever just walked down a mountain and strolled into a major city before. Never. What a strange experience to go from muddy hills/mountains/flooded paths/rushing creeks to... city. The metropolitan areas I know well must have an edge somewhere as well. Where exactly is the edge to the Seattle area,... Continue Reading →

The scallop shell

The scallop shell is the symbol of St James' Way (the Camino), not only a way for pilgrims to self-identify when they attach a shell to their pack, but used as a symbol to mark guideposts and directional arrows along all 12+ routes. In the Middle Ages, the custom was to wear a scallop shell... Continue Reading →

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