(Almost) Live from Samos

The Steps to Support SCLS campaign has now exceeded goal: $5,274 as of 6:00 pm Samos time! This first photo is from a video posted on Facebook, and the total was $5,209 when I recorded it. Thank you!!! (Sorry for the offsite link; WordPress has decided it has had enough of me uploading videos and... Continue Reading →

Gracias, Ponferrada

There are some decisions I have made on this trip that were good choices. Seeing Drs. Felix and Sara in Burgos was an excellent decision. Switching to runners was an excellent decision (but Bunny was not supposed to let my boots fall off my pack). Staying in Zubiri instead of taking the chance with the... Continue Reading →

I’m in the Hospital

Oh, so sorry, didn't mean to panic everyone. I mean I am in a village called Hospital de Orbigo (or as the autocorrect on my phone likes to call it, "Hospital of Vegas"). The name comes from the fact that the village was founded in the 12th s by the Knights Hospitaller of St. John... Continue Reading →

Pamplona to Mañeru (yesterday)

Here's a summary of the detailed post I wrote yesterday but then accidentally deleted: An elderly woman put this in my hands on the street outside my hotel and told me she is praying for me. Look how flooded the river was going through the University of Navarra campus on the outskirts on Pamplona. An... Continue Reading →

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