My left foot

No, this is not that infamous Daniel Day Lewis movie. This is my darn left foot. While my ankle feels fantastic and I truly believed that that I was conquering 18 years of it being snapped in half, constantly rolled, out of sorts, and the fourth and fifth metatarsals getting hairline fractures at the halfway... Continue Reading →

Day 4: Slip Sliding Away

(Warning: last picture is not appropriate for my veggie/vegan friends) So, yeah. The rain in Spain... I was born and raised in Seattle. Rain is absolutely no big deal. In fact, as I wrote before, after climbing through the Pyrenees in what felt like 90 degrees for two days (with the sunburns to prove it),... Continue Reading →

Dear Dr. Ankle Surgeon

I'm feeling like our relationship can officially end now. I'm breaking up with you. Yes, I know we haven't seen each other in 8 years, and you haven't performed any surgeries on my left ankle in 9, but I still always felt like we were in a relationship. I still have your number in my... Continue Reading →

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