I’m in the Hospital

Oh, so sorry, didn't mean to panic everyone. I mean I am in a village called Hospital de Orbigo (or as the autocorrect on my phone likes to call it, "Hospital of Vegas"). The name comes from the fact that the village was founded in the 12th s by the Knights Hospitaller of St. John... Continue Reading →

Day 5.2 and Day 6: Pamplona!

Never in my life have I ever just walked down a mountain and strolled into a major city before. Never. What a strange experience to go from muddy hills/mountains/flooded paths/rushing creeks to... city. The metropolitan areas I know well must have an edge somewhere as well. Where exactly is the edge to the Seattle area,... Continue Reading →

Day 5.1: Wet rural climbing

The morning getting out of Zubiri started out well. First, because the cash machine in town was out of order, I tried to have the largest breakfast I could muster at the cafe across the street knowing they take credit cards. Bob from outside Toronto and I were there at 6 am sharp thinking the... Continue Reading →

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