Gracias, Ponferrada

There are some decisions I have made on this trip that were good choices. Seeing Drs. Felix and Sara in Burgos was an excellent decision. Switching to runners was an excellent decision (but Bunny was not supposed to let my boots fall off my pack). Staying in Zubiri instead of taking the chance with the... Continue Reading →

Day 6.2: Amo Pamplona!

Seriously, I'm in love with this city. The rain was nonstop all day so I spent much of it inside, but I'm ok with this because I'm going to come back with Al sometime. He loves York; he will love Pamplona even more (bulls!). After lunch, I finally found Plaza des Toros. I was circling... Continue Reading →

Day 2.2: Roncesvalles (the missing post)

April 7, 2019: Hello from the future, one year beyond the real-time chronology of this blog! I have been enjoying re-reading each entry on its one-year anniversary, and noticed that the post I remember drafting about Roncesvalles is missing! Here are the gorgeous photos and my attempt to remember what I was feeling that night...... Continue Reading →

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