Day 6.2: Amo Pamplona!

Seriously, I'm in love with this city. The rain was nonstop all day so I spent much of it inside, but I'm ok with this because I'm going to come back with Al sometime. He loves York; he will love Pamplona even more (bulls!). After lunch, I finally found Plaza des Toros. I was circling... Continue Reading →

Day 5.2 and Day 6: Pamplona!

Never in my life have I ever just walked down a mountain and strolled into a major city before. Never. What a strange experience to go from muddy hills/mountains/flooded paths/rushing creeks to... city. The metropolitan areas I know well must have an edge somewhere as well. Where exactly is the edge to the Seattle area,... Continue Reading →

Good morning, London!

It was an uneventful flight (which was good-- you never want an eventful flight!), caught up on The Good Place, and didn't sleep a wink of course. As to be expected. As I wrote before, I have never been able to sleep on a plane, even a 9+ hour flight that lands at 7 in... Continue Reading →

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