The night before Santiago total: $5,482

I will be walking into Santiago tomorrow morning with my head held high. I am proud of two things when I hobble into the cathedral square: I actually made it almost 500 miles across Spain, despite all of my internal obstacles (not in the best shape, not an experienced hiker, self-doubts, a left ankle with... Continue Reading →

I’m in the Hospital

Oh, so sorry, didn't mean to panic everyone. I mean I am in a village called Hospital de Orbigo (or as the autocorrect on my phone likes to call it, "Hospital of Vegas"). The name comes from the fact that the village was founded in the 12th s by the Knights Hospitaller of St. John... Continue Reading →

Castrojeriz evening

We just had the craziest thunder storm come through suddenly! I tried to video the lightning flashes but the video didn't turn out very well. Trust me, it was dramatic! ...but then the storm stopped as suddenly as it started. This was my chance to get out and see the town a tiny bit, eat... Continue Reading →

Estella to Montjardin

The day-- I left the albergue this morning with Kathleen and the Texas sisters after the ladies running it literally moved us out the door at 8 am and locked it behind us. There we were in the drizzle, trying to put our wet, muddy shoes back on (we're pretty sure the outside shed they... Continue Reading →

Day 6.2: Amo Pamplona!

Seriously, I'm in love with this city. The rain was nonstop all day so I spent much of it inside, but I'm ok with this because I'm going to come back with Al sometime. He loves York; he will love Pamplona even more (bulls!). After lunch, I finally found Plaza des Toros. I was circling... Continue Reading →

Day 5.2 and Day 6: Pamplona!

Never in my life have I ever just walked down a mountain and strolled into a major city before. Never. What a strange experience to go from muddy hills/mountains/flooded paths/rushing creeks to... city. The metropolitan areas I know well must have an edge somewhere as well. Where exactly is the edge to the Seattle area,... Continue Reading →

Pamplona tourist today

Thanks for your patience regarding a report on day 5. For some reason my phone is struggling to upload pictures on both the hotel Wi-Fi and regular data. I'm not sure what's going on; hopefully I can get this resolved soon. In the meantime, here's the agenda today in Pamplona: museum, churches, bull arena, trying... Continue Reading →

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