To Logroño

What a beautiful morning it was today. I stayed in a great modern albergue with Kitty and Wilma in a town called Sansol. The albergue was brand new practically, and also served as the town restaurant and meeting place. The village is very cute. They also have a great sense of humor to put this... Continue Reading →

Villamajor to… somewhere?

What an amazing experience in the Dutch albergue last night. It was very hard leaving, but at the same I felt refreshed and ready to go. It's a beautiful day with no rain! Just gorgeous. Here's some smart advertising from a bar in the next village that knows its customers. Now here's something scary. Another... Continue Reading →

(Middle of nowhere) to Sansol

I had a great day of walking, though not a lot to report. The landscape is beautiful but starting to look the same. What do I take pictures of anymore? Such a weird mental space to be in -- the journey is fascinating and the landscape is beautiful, but is any of it distinct anymore?... Continue Reading →

Estella to Montjardin

The day-- I left the albergue this morning with Kathleen and the Texas sisters after the ladies running it literally moved us out the door at 8 am and locked it behind us. There we were in the drizzle, trying to put our wet, muddy shoes back on (we're pretty sure the outside shed they... Continue Reading →

Pamplona to Mañeru (yesterday)

Here's a summary of the detailed post I wrote yesterday but then accidentally deleted: An elderly woman put this in my hands on the street outside my hotel and told me she is praying for me. Look how flooded the river was going through the University of Navarra campus on the outskirts on Pamplona. An... Continue Reading →

Need a new method for updating this blog

So every night I'm in bed trying to write, often dozing off with my phone hitting me in the face. Last night I managed to write a long, detailed post that took 90 minutes to compose-- complete with hyperlinks and drag queen references. Then my finger accidentally hit "delete" instead of publish. Aaarrrggghhhhhh!!!! When I... Continue Reading →

Day 6.2: Amo Pamplona!

Seriously, I'm in love with this city. The rain was nonstop all day so I spent much of it inside, but I'm ok with this because I'm going to come back with Al sometime. He loves York; he will love Pamplona even more (bulls!). After lunch, I finally found Plaza des Toros. I was circling... Continue Reading →

Day 5.2 and Day 6: Pamplona!

Never in my life have I ever just walked down a mountain and strolled into a major city before. Never. What a strange experience to go from muddy hills/mountains/flooded paths/rushing creeks to... city. The metropolitan areas I know well must have an edge somewhere as well. Where exactly is the edge to the Seattle area,... Continue Reading →

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