The Meseta— to Castrojeriz

I didn't mean to come off negative about the meseta yesterday; I was trying to communicate how surreal it was with the color of the sky, the silence, the desolation, the isolation (until the two kids in dirt bikes came through). Today was day two of crossing the meseta, but a completely different experience because... Continue Reading →

I put on weight in Burgos…

...or at least my pack put on weight. I'm now regretting keeping my boots with me and not shipping them home yesterday. They must be 2+ pounds added to my pack (and on the outside, so the weight distribution is off). Dr. Felix instructed me to keep them for Galicia. The people on the forum... Continue Reading →

An easy travel hack and quick update

I had a moment today struggling with a dumb travel wallet. Which one, you ask? This one: Why do I need it? Because there are no pockets in ANY moisture-wicking active clothing for women. None. Often us women feel lucky to have pockets in our normal clothes. I also didn't bother practicing wearing it under... Continue Reading →

The scallop shell

The scallop shell is the symbol of St James' Way (the Camino), not only a way for pilgrims to self-identify when they attach a shell to their pack, but used as a symbol to mark guideposts and directional arrows along all 12+ routes. In the Middle Ages, the custom was to wear a scallop shell... Continue Reading →

T minus 2 days!

There is too much going on right now to really sit down to reflect and write careful blog posts, so here are just some random updates as I prep for Monday: The Camino Campaign jumped up to $1,056 as of this morning! Thank you so much to everyone who "pledged" to walk with me. Please... Continue Reading →

It’s still happening…

I am now completely consumed by this work event on March 3, but I am still thinking about Camino prep. I just haven't had the time to write extensive updates but I assure you I am still going. A good friend helped adjust my pack and figure out what all the straps do; another good... Continue Reading →

First piece of gear acquired

The trip still feels so far away, but it is quickly becoming a reality and no longer an abstract concept. Plane tickets purchased at New Years. Guide books bought and sufficient initial research completed. Sports bra that fits and isn't trying to choke me to death bought. OK. Fine. But the dirty secret is that... Continue Reading →

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